Rise of Skywalker: Preview Rant session

Blog Post


All I have to say is "Really?"... I mean common, are they just going to mash as much as they can into this movie so they can juice it for years to come? I'm a life long fan, and I think I'm done with this newer stuff. The prequels even looked interesting in the trailers this just seems like they are trying to save whatever they can after that last Jedi movie.  I'm a 501st member and one of maybe 200 people worldwide to own the new Stormtrooper armor from Force Awakens. After seeing that film I sold off that armor and decided to focus more on the originals. Although I've had a hard time attending events lately with all of the new troops joining up. I'm seriously lost interest. Let me know how this crap show is, I may end up watching once it comes to BluRay and I can pick up a digital copy for 8 bucks.

We need to stop spending our money on these movies! We need to show them that this is not what we want... Please do not see this movie. Money is the only thing that matters to these people, and if it doesn't do well, they will know it was because the new one sucked. Seriously, there isn't another way around this; The last Jedi's scapegoat was Solo, which ended up being fantastic. Ohh solo didn't do well in the theater It must have been a bad movie. WRONG, it didn't do well because the fans didn't see it because they went to see Last Jedi 3 times and decided they were done too.

Anyways. I'll update this post after I see the movie. but I'm not very enthusiastic....



See my review!



Jason - August, 28 2019 08:08 PM

Right on Brother