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Graflex Prices

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I wanted to take a moment and talk about the astronomical prices of the Graflex camera flash. As most know, this 1940's camera flash handle was the base for the Luke Skywalker lightsaber used in Star Wars. These technically shouldn't cost more than $50 but because of the demand, they have hit a premium. With that said; how much should YOU pay?! I have...

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Rise of Skywalker: Preview Rant session

Blog Post


All I have to say is "Really?"... I mean common, are they just going to mash as much as they can into this movie so they can juice it for years to come? I'm a life long fan, and I think I'm done with this newer stuff. The prequels even looked interesting in the trailers this just seems like they are trying to save whatever they can after that last Jedi ...

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