Rise of Skywalker

Blog Post

The REVIEW, Turn back all ye who enter here Spoilers below, hold on to your pants!  First off-- I did not pay to see this movie, I acquired a copy and watched as if I was in the back of a theater in the middle east somewhere. Okay, I have no interest in seeing this again.

Where to begin? How about this...HE EMPEROR DIED. HE DIED IN ROTJ. WE CAN CLEARLY SEE HE IS GONE. Period. Seriously!


TThis movie was so bad. Everything from the story and pacing, to the characters and their forced friendship. The strange relationship between Kylo and Rey or better yet the strange relationship between Kylo and the Knights of Ren (who are still stupid) or how about Kylo and the rest of the First Order; HECK, let's just start again and bring back Palpintine and make him the Phantom Menace again-- oh and he was the one controlling Snoke (that ugly dude from the last movie they arbitrarily killed off) and he magically saved himself from the above fate but we are not allowed to know-how, and then he mysteriously Created "The Last Order" which looks exactly like the First order and quietly recruit millions of people, gave them armor and built 10,000 ships inside a planet that no-one knew how to get to in the first place. Do you know what would really outdo all the other movies? Let's give ALL the ships planet-destroying guns! Yeah, great idea.

JJ Abrams cannot tell a coherent story. He cannot make a movie without the moving or shaking camera, he cannot write endings. This may have been all Kathleen Kennedy's fault, but Abrams should have backed out. Kennedy needs to be fired after this one. This entire trilogy has just been a giant mistake. They need to "Caravan of Courage" this thing-- remove it from cannon and turn the Star Wars Universe over to a group of fans that actually care about what happens. 

This really saddens me greatly. If Disney won't realize their mistakes and remove this from canon, then I am not going to accept it or give them more money. Simple. I know a lot of people don't agree with me, but at the end of the day, my opinion is the only thing that matters to me, and those people are wrong. 

