Star Wars: A New Hope

Blog Post

Classic. 1977, George Lucas in his prime... Yes, he had a lot of help from his ex-wife where a lot of the magic came in the editing room but many brilliant and talented people such as Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, Ralph Mcquarrie, John Williams, and a whole lot of luck had to do with its success. 

My God, this is how is started and really set the bar for many Sci-fi and fantasy movies.

I think what was so brilliant about this movie specifically; you are thrown into a space battle right from the beginning, you have these faceless military bad guys with a lot of fire-power then, you have only dialogue to fill in details and even then you have no clue what's going on. But as the movie progresses you discover that there were morals, friendships, and sacrifices. I can go on all day explaining why I think this is one of the greatest movies ever made, but I don't think I need to. If you are here and you are reading this post, I think you may already think that too... If not leave me a comment below and we can discuss until you are blue in the face. 

I'm labeling this as Star Wars: A New hope (I know the original title was "Star Wars"). I do not want it confused with the special edition - I loth the Special Editions... Remaking / publishing a movie with changes, just for change sake is not cool. I'm talking about the UnEdited version of this movie. If you do not own a copy, send me a message, I might have a digital one you can have. Recently, the 4K77 came out so that's the version I consider to be cannon. Before the the De-specialized Special editions was my go to. 
